What is MarketPortfolio?An application to measure the profitability and risk of your aggregate portfolio and compare them with an unbiased index.This is essential. All professional investors do it. If you dont do it, you will be investing in quicksand. You wont stand a chance.Everything integrated: stocks, funds, bonds even cryptos.MARKET PORTFOLIO is a free application.MARKET PORTFOLIO is a simplified version of RISKCO, software used by more than 100 financial institutions, so you can invest with the maximum possibilities.You will have a complete, accurate and centralized record of all your operations and much more.You can have several portfolios, compare them with each other and add them.Import your portfolios and operations from APIS, a standardized Excel or manually.Complete and accurate analysis: look through investment funds and fair value for illiquid bonds.Summary and AlertsValuation, profitability and risk of your aggregate portfolio compared to an unbiased index.You will be able to react quickly based on risk-return alerts about your portfolio.MonitorGraphic monitoring of the profitability and risk of your portfolio against your benchmark index or another portfolio.BriefcaseValuation and risk of assets and portfolio at market prices.